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Re: [fetchmail] fetchmail and exchange 2000

2003-05-20 13:28:43
On Tue, 2003-05-20 at 11:35, Jack Coates wrote:
My  company upgraded their Exchange 5.5 server to Exchange 2000, and my
fetchmail via IMAP set up is now failing. IMAP, POP3, and their SSL
versions are still open according to nmap, but I only get one packet
past handshake before the thing sends me a FIN and an RST.

I've tried adding ssl and auth ntlm separately and together; any
combination without auth ntlm produces socket error, any combination
with auth ntml produced auth failure, username and password works with
OWA though.

Any ideas? thanks,

getting warmer...

poll server with proto IMAP auth ntlm
user 'slave(_at_)DOMAIN' there with password 'killmenow' is 'jack' here
smtpname anotheraddress(_at_)place(_dot_)net

This gets further into a conversation, then fails with error=7.
from syslog (different machine)
fetchmail: starting 6.1.0 daemon
fetchmail: mailbox selection failed
fetchmail: client/server synchronization error while fetching from
fetchmail: Query status=7 (ERROR)

okay, adding -v -v to the startup script made it clear what's going on;
they moved my mailbox to another server while they were at it, so I had
to change the IP address. All is well now.

Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: A Scientific Venture...

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