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Re: [fetchmail] fetchmail: incorrect header line found while scanningheaders

2003-09-16 09:04:04
On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 12:00:42 -0400 (EDT)
Mathieu Bouchard <matju(_at_)sympatico(_dot_)ca> uttered:

I've used fetchmail for years without problems, until about the
beginning of this summer I think.

Like I said, it is most likely your ISP adding non-compliant tags to
mail headers.

The reason it just started this summer, as it did for me, is that many
ISP's have implemented anti-spam processes, and many ISP's wouldn't know
their ass from a hole in the ground.

BTW, please keep the mail going to the list, not to me and cc'ing the
list, it plays havoc with my filters.


Registered Linux user #282046
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