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[fetchmail] nokeep and Yahoo POP mail

2003-10-22 11:42:07

Hi!  I'm new to the list but not new to fetchmail; I've been using it
for several years very successfully.  First, I've been really, really
pleased with it and would like to thank Eric Raymond and everyone else
for their hard work.

Next, I'm having a problem.  I finally got sick of my mail host (RCN)
screwing up my pop account and taking (literally) an hour to answer my
tech support calls, so I switched over to push all my mail through my
Yahoo mail account, for which I have POP access.  Hooray for zoneedit!

I have fetchmail (5.9.0 in RedHat) pulling mail over from Yahoo and it's
making its way through my procmail maze ;-) and getting delivered to me
(yay!) but Yahoo is ignoring my nokeep directive.  My .fetchmailrc looks
like this:

set daemon 300
set logfile /tmp/fetchmail.log
poll pop.mail.yahoo.com protocol pop3 username raypeck3 there is rpeck here 
nokeep fetchlimit 1000 password xxxx

I don't see anything on Yahoo's site about ignoring nokeep, and I don't
know whether this is a problem on their end or mine.  I get hundreds of
emails a day so I can't possibly just keep going to their web interface
all the time and clearing my messages. . .

Any clues, anyone?  Thanks!

"Things do change. The only question is that since things are
 deteriorating so quickly, will society and man's habits change quickly
 enough?" - Isaac Asimov

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