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Re: [fetchmail]Coping with malformed headers

2004-02-09 10:38:27
colin z robertson <czr(_at_)rtnl(_dot_)org(_dot_)uk>:
Am I missing anything here? Does fetchmail have any option to skip bad
messages and fetch the good ones only? I can see some virtues in
failing fast and failing obviously here, but it would be helpful for us
if fetchmail could be instructed to skip the bad messages and let us
know about their presence with an exit code.

Fetchmail does skip some kinds of bad headers.  The problem is, how do
you cope with every possible kind of non-RFC822 garbage that might come
down the line?  That way madness lies.
                <a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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