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Re: [fetchmail]Re: fetchmail fork?

2004-06-01 15:47:53
Jerry Gaiser wrote:
Out of curiosity - from a longtime lurker - will you folks continue to
use this maillist or do you all expect to start your own?

Administrative access to this mailing list has fallen into a state of 
limbo, so new lists are being created.  (Oddly enough this mailing list 
issue seems to be a big reason we don't have fetchmail 6.2.6 yet.)  If 
we're lucky we'll be able to get the vital information (particularly the 
subscriber list) for the old list to transition everything over.  
Otherwise we'll have to make everyone sign up to the new list(s) 

==============================| "A slice of life isn't the whole cake
 Rob Funk <rfunk(_at_)funknet(_dot_)net> | One tooth will never make a full 
 http://www.funknet.net/rfunk |    -- Chris Mars, "Stuck in Rewind"

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