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RE: [fetchmail]Re: setting up a multidrop

2004-06-12 09:00:51
-----Original Message-----
From: fetchmail-friends-admin(_at_)lists(_dot_)ccil(_dot_)org 
[mailto:fetchmail-friends-admin(_at_)lists(_dot_)ccil(_dot_)org] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Saturday, June 12, 2004 11:09 AM

the objective is to get mails from a multidrop account which gathers 
mails for all users of the domain and distribute it to the 
various users locally.

[ CCd to WalyBaly as he obviously doesn't read the list ]

There was a response to the list.  If you check the list archive (see
below my footer) you'll find it.

PLEASE - keep list traffic on the list.  Email sent directly to me may
be ignored utterly.

Rob | What part of "no" was it you didn't understand? 

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