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Re: [fetchmail] virus

2004-07-19 23:06:54
Laurence wrote:
Has anyone else started receiving these again: ?

Esr wrote:


Looks like it; my mail filters automatically trash messages with zip or 
executable attachments, but my logs reveal some of those coming from this 

Judging by the emptiness of the zip section a virus has been removed
along the way and the rest of the message passed on.  Is it happening at
mercury / saturn.ccil.org?  Can they be configured to drop the entire
message if it contains a virus?

Unfortunately the CCIL people seem to have all but disowned us. I've tried 
to contact them about the mailing list, and the closest I could get was a 
very friendly person from the wrong department who misunderstood what I 
wanted.  Apparently somewhere along the line ESR had a falling out with 
the mailing list admin or something, and he lost control of it.  The list 
is effectively admin-less.

So the upshot is that the list server can't be configured at all, 
practically speaking.  I recommend that everyone migrate to the new 
mailing lists at berlios.de:

==============================|   "A microscope locked in on one point
 Rob Funk <rfunk(_at_)funknet(_dot_)net> |Never sees what kind of room that 
it's in"
 http://www.funknet.net/rfunk |    -- Chris Mars, "Stuck in Rewind"

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