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[fetchmail]Re: fetching IMAP-Folders

2005-01-18 07:23:23
Hello Andreas, 

I have found the error...

Am 2005-01-18 01:14:33, schrieb Matthias Andree:

The syntax was right

poll mx.freenet.de proto imap
      user linux4michelle pass xxxxxxxxxx
      is michelle.konzack here folder INBOX.virusverdacht

but not the folder... Arghhhh !!!!
It is

Now it works perfectly and had downloaded/filtered
more then 3,6 GBytes Viruses.

Viele Grüße nach Straßburg,
Matthias Andree

Viele Grüße aus Straßburg,

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/ 
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSM LinuxMichi
0033/3/88452356    67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (irc.icq.com)

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