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Re: data announcement

1991-06-14 20:39:16
-       To the IETF-822 list:

I agree about one thing: please take this discussion off the ietf-822
list.  I'm swamped enough as it is!

I'm very sorry, Nathaniel. "Data announcement" may seem irrelevant to
some, but I think it has a profound relevance (to RFC-XXXX).

Whether or not the eventual data announcement scheme uses the exact
same syntax as RFC-XXXX seems to me to be pretty unimportant. I am
extremely confident, however, that something like it will eventually
surface in many areas of information technology. That is, the details
of my proposal may be rejected, (and I invite such criticism with open
arms), but the concept itself will survive, I'm sure.

I would like to ask Greg (the Chair) to consider these developments,
and to take appropriate action. I believe that RFC-XXXX should be
considerably simplified, to embody only a few wise decisions about the
main types of "data", and to be extremely extensible. I think that
richmail does not belong in this picture (but this is just my personal

Also, if Greg (the Chair) asks me to stop sending messages about data
announcement to this list, I will reluctantly, but dutifully, do so.


Erik M. van der Poel                                      
Software Research Associates, Inc., Tokyo, Japan     TEL +81-3-3234-2692

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