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5.1 Quoted Printable suggested BNF

1991-12-14 17:53:02
I always feel more comfortable when specs contain bnf, so I'd like to offer
the following, as the syntactic specification for Quoted Printable (Section
5.1) Rules #1-4, with the bnf intended to follows those rules and NOT
alter them at all:

quoted-printable-part := *(q-print-line ["="] CRLF)

q-print-line := [p-print-str] *(lwsp q-print-str)

q-print-str := unquoted-char / quoted-char

unquoted-char := <8-bit value between decimal 33-57 or 59-126, inclusive>

quoted-char := "=" hex-hi-nibble hex-low-nibble

hex-hi-nibble := <upper four bits of quoted character>

hex-low-nibble := <lower four bits of quoted character>

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