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Attachment Semantics

1993-03-18 21:02:32

I'm sorry if any of you got bounce messages today from my address; the
problem has been fixed.

Neil Said:

        Neil> Perhaps we need to describe the model, and let the syntax
        Neil> follow rather than the other way around?

Sounds good to me; I am not really all that interested in attachment
models, except as they touch upon compound document formats. I do not want
to leave anyone in the cold, though, and since attachment vs inline seems
to be a major distinction it would be clearly nice to support them in a
simple, standard way (content-disposition or an organizer).

I think that when someone comes up with a killer compound document
format with a nifty user agent, it will take off; lots of people have
graphical displays out there now. On the other hand, you still want to
support people on ttys, who may never get software that interprets fancy

It seems to me that the primary difference between inline and attached
dispositions is that the latter requires a positiveaction from the user to
display. This is how it works with mailtool, zmail, cc-mail, you name it.
It seems the common denominator.

What are other people thinking?


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