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Re: MIME compression mechanism

1994-10-17 09:39:22
P.S.  Is there a mailer that tries to base64, quoted-printable, etc. etc.
looking for the best way to send something or do they still all require
the user to select the encoding?

PMDF does this, although not in quite the way you describe. What PMDF does
is scan some portion of the message and count the various characters it sees.
It then uses these counts to select the right encoding. In some cases it
scans the entire message for this information while in others it only
uses a fragment of the message (this depends on whether or not there's a
another reason for PMDF to scan the message twice -- in quite a few cases
there is, so we take the opportunity to compute character frequencies while
we're at it). There is also a facility to force the use of one particular
encoding on the basis of content type, destination, or both.


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