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Re: Broken MIME messages?

1994-11-27 23:57:10
I have a question from a customer about messages apparentely generated by
"Novell Global MHS" and then sent through "SMTP for NGM" and finally
received by our product.

Parts of the message in question look like...
Content-Type: BINARY
X-NVL-Content-Typename: Binary
X-NVL-Content-Filename: ARCADE.BMP
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
X-NVL-Content-Modification-Date: 09-Jun-1993 03:10:00 +0000

It seems to me that the second part of the supposed multipart (I only
recieved the fragment beginning with the multipart boundary) is not valid.
There is no "BINARY" content-TYPE that I'm aware of.

You are correct.  Not only is there no content-type named BINARY, but
the content-type "BINARY" is not even syntactically legal for MIME.

Sigh.  You would think people would at least READ THE SPEC before
implementing it, and certainly before selling a product based on it.


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