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Re: Mixing text and graphics with text/enriched and multipart/mixed

1996-05-05 01:19:50
On 5/3/96 at 11:05 AM  -0500, Martin R Raskovsky wrote:

==| That doesn't help because each of the paragraph formatting commands like
==| <center>, which is what Lennart was using, will cause a line break and
==| commands cannot be continued across multipart boundaries.

Does not matter that commands can not be continued provieded they do not
force a line break accross a mixed boundary.

But how can you expect any interpreter to actually do something intelligent
across a multipart boundary? Are you claiming is that the text/enriched
commands may be left "open" at a multipart boundary? How would the
interpreter know where it is continued? And in what order? Remember, many
interpreters are handed the contents of a single part to work on without
any context. Creating something like you did with the expectation that it
would work as embedded images seems like a really bad plan.

Is this against the spec?

Not directly. However, there is a passage which mentions this in the
discussion of using multiple character sets:

Every time a new character set is desired, a new MIME body part is started
with different character sets specified in the charset parameter of the
Content-type line. However, using multiple character sets this way in
text/enriched messages introduces problems. Since a change in the charset
parameter requires a new part, text/enriched formatting commands used in
the first part would not be able to apply to text that occurs in subsequent
parts. It is not possible for text/enriched formatting commands to apply
across MIME body part boundaries.

The assumption is simply made that this is not guaranteed to work.


Pete Resnick <mailto:presnick(_at_)qualcomm(_dot_)com>
QUALCOMM Incorporated
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