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Re: draft-gellens-format-00

1998-08-18 07:10:25
On Tue, 18 Aug 1998 10:18:22 BST, you said:
I don't see how that poses a problem at all - it is entirely a matter
for the user. If they want to send preformatted material, they will have
to send unflowed text (presuming all MUAs give a choice between flowed
and unflowed text).

That's a very big presumption. I'm still stumbling once in a while
across old MUAs that don't understand that unknown multipart/frobozz
should be treated as /mixed, or can't get quoted-printable right (most
often, quoting but leaving the CTE blank).

What happens when an older MUA is passed one of these flowed/unflowed

However, if this sort of quoting problem is not considered important, I
would much rather see the original idea of text/paragraph or

Personally, I call it more than "important".  I consider *any*
proposal that doesn't allow for sane quoting/attribution as being
terminally broken on the show-stopper level.

Yes, I know currently quoting/citing is a mess.  However, this is in
the category of legacy systems.  Any *new* proposal has to do better
and not present new challenges to the authors of MUAs.

                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Computer Systems Senior Engineer
                                Virginia Tech

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