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Re: RHijacked Addresses

2002-08-09 16:28:27


What is in the "German profile" that isn't in the IETF standard?

If I remember correctly, I left Lotus more than 16 months ago, the 
military establishments of many European countries decided that they 
wanted a "Commercial of the Shelf" (COTS) messaging system based on open 
standards (in this case S/MIME). They then each produced a huge pile of 
requirements that differed from country to country, and couldn't be met by 
any COTS system. In order to win the business, the vendor organization in 
each country, first attempted to have their base products modified. The 
vendors development organizations having been led down a similar garden 
path by the US DOD over the X.400 based (kind of) Defense Messaging 
System, refused. The revenue opportunities couldn't justify the cost. 
Since salesmen never take no for an answer, they then contracted with 
local software houses to produce plug-ins. These tend not to work very 
well, inter-operate, etc. I think this is what Marc is referring to. This 
of course has nothing to do with the S/MIME you and I are familiar with, 
but with special military versions of S/MIME, or more accurately "sort of 


Nick Shelness
Independent Technology Consultant
Fellow - Differéntis Ltd.
Advisor - Oak Investment Partners

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