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Re: UTF-8 over RFC 2047 (Re: Call for Usefor to recharter)

2003-01-15 09:16:12

Henry Spencer wrote:
On Wed, 15 Jan 2003, Bruce Lilly wrote:

UTF-8 does not adequately address i18n issues (language-tsgging), as
per RFC 2277 (1998).  RFC 2047 as amended by 2231 (1997) *does* address
i18n issues, including laguage-tagging.

As others have noted, 2047-amended has its problems... and modern Unicode
(and thus UTF-8) *does* address language tagging, using a facility that
was added specifically to accommodate Internet protocols lacking
higher-level tagging facilities.

MIME does not lack higher-level tagging facilities and is specifically
mentioned in the Unicode documents as one of those areas where the Unicode
language-tagging facility is not to be used.  Moreover, as Dan Kohn has
pointed out (on ietf-822), that language-tagging facility is under review
(it likely will be deprecated).

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