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Re: Revisiting RFC 2822 grammar (obs-utext and unstructured)

2004-02-02 10:12:26

On 2/1/04 at 8:00 AM -0500, Bruce Lilly wrote:

I think that the following does the right thing (obs-utext can be empty or it can start or end with any ASCII octet and can have any sequence except CRLF, which is handled in unstructured by FWS, and unstructured can be completely empty or it can begin or end with utext or FWS, but any instance of utext is separated from any other instance by FWS):

obs-utext = *(*obs-char (*LF / (*CR 1*obs-char))) *CR

unstructured = *(utext FWS) *utext

Oops, the last line should be:

unstructured    =       *(*utext FWS) *utext

No, that doesn't look right. It allows multiple adjacent occurrences of FWS. How about:

unstructured = *(1*utext FWS) *utext

Pete Resnick <>
QUALCOMM Incorporated - Direct phone: (858)651-4478, Fax: (858)651-1102