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More on mail message header fields

2004-04-30 07:08:44

In response to an off-list comment, I'm making a small revision of the mail message header registry draft [1] to mark header fields defined in RFC822 (as well as RFC2822) as standard rather than just "standards-track". This raised two questions:

1. Are there any other mail header fields that have achieved full standard status?

2. RFC2822 dropped the "Encrypted" header field which was defined in RFC822. I take that to mean it is regarded as obsolete; would this be correct? My current proposed entry for this is:
    a hdr:HeaderField ;
    hdr:fieldName "Encrypted" ;
    hdr:label "Message encryption information" ;
    hdr:protocol hdr:Protocol_mail ;
    hdr:status "obsolete" ;
    hdr:author hdr:Author_IETF ;
    hdr:controller hdr:Author_IETF ;
    hdr:specification hdr:RFC822 ;
        """Defined by RFC 822, but removed in RFC 2822.
           Current practice is to use separate encryption, such
           as S/MIME or OpenPGP, possibly in conjunction with
           RFC 1847 MIME security multiparts.
        """ .



Graham Klyne
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