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Re: gzip/deflate compression/encoding

2005-06-26 14:57:50

IMNSHO, a protocol extension will succeed only if implementing it brings value to the user. If implementing e.g the SMTP MUMBLE extension doesn't benefit either the implementor or the user, and does benefit someone else greatly, then that extension isn't going to be implemented very much.

I may be wrong, of course. But let's suppose I'm right. In that case:

1. Mobile MUAs get considerable benefit from compressing messages as they go from/to the server, so an SMTP/POP/IMAP extension to provide compression for all messages or all attachments ought to be fairly widely implemented by authors of such MUAs (and likely seldom by others).

2. Even mobile MUAs don't get much benefit from c-t-e: deflate, since that works only when both the message sender and all receivers support it, which'll be fairly seldom. Authors of clients who assume ethernet to the server almost never get any benefit.
