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Re: [Asrg] Mail Cookies Was: Single-User Addresses

2003-03-03 15:44:12
--Hadmut Danisch wrote on 03.03.03 22:38 +0100:

There are many MUAs and mail handling programs which can't cope with
+ mail addresses and fail to sort mails, recognize senders etc. 
Maybe your MTA can transport these mails, but lots of mail programs
will fail. E.g. the complete mail routing software running on 
the rackland server will fail. 

Just as an experiment: 

I just sent this message to the asrg(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org mailing list with 
a sender address

From: hadmut+45852e998cdb18c752c9d9b6cf77aef7(_at_)danisch(_dot_)de

I dont understand the nitpicking on '+'.

If you cant subscribe to a mailing-list because the address
contains this character the software is obviously broken.

Such an extension-character (which is a simple dash on qmail
and courier for example, and might be even a dot on others)
should have no effect except for local delivered mail where
explicitely configured.

In contrast, a new header line is fully transparent and really can 
be handled by any MTA and MUA.

The invocation would have to follow this semantic:

<a href="mailto:...?cookie=...&subject=...";>

but this wont be recognized by any existing client out there,
and the only use will be for those clicking on mailto-links.

Such a cookie will have to be included within either the local
part or in the domain-part (as subdomain) to be compatible.


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