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Re: [Asrg] [Asr?g] Legal side track

2003-04-15 19:08:32
From: waltdnes(_at_)waltdnes(_dot_)org
  I don't know if you live in the same ivory tower as Lessig, but you
don't seem to appreciate that spammers are 100%, amoral/immoral, greedy
bastards.  They *KNOW* their garbage isn't wanted, and they go to great
lengths to evade blocking.  They *DELIBERATELY FORGE RETURN ADDRESSES*
to *AVOID* getting the flames back from unwilling recipients.  Bounce
messages will simply bury innocent 3rd-parties under a ton of bounces.

  In plain English, this is an ugly/dirty war, and if you insist on
using Marquis of Queensbury rules against a dirty opponent who doesn't,
you will end up losing the war.  I don't want to lose the war.

Fighting cleanly is the only way to truly win.

There are only 3 flaws I can find in my "clean" system now.

1. Spoofed addresses
Spoofing addresses will only work if the spoofed address has a large subscriber list. That will be tough to deal with.

2. Hijacking of entry &addresses in the database
Hijacking of address entrys can easily be changed by quick human intervention.

3. resistance to Challenge/Response(which i don't see as a problem)
Once people get used to it, it will be like second nature.

John Fenley

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