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Re: [Asrg] criteria for spam V2

2003-06-05 16:29:44
From: Dave Crocker <dhc(_at_)dcrocker(_dot_)net>

The example I posted about a student sending personal queries to some
experts -- and let's remember it does not matter how the student got
their addresses -- is unsolicited, but should not count as bulk.

Why not!?  "Bulk" does not mean "spam," if you are defining "spam"
and you are not insisting that "spam" and "bulk" are synonyms. 

If your student sent a lot of substantially identical messages, it makes
no sense to say they are not bulk.  You might say that 2, 20, 200, 2000,
or however many are not enough to be "a lot" or "bulk." You might also
insist (incorrectly, in my view) that the student's spew was not spam,
but "bulk" is not a word that you reasonably redefine.

"Bulk" means "lots of the same stuff" in English.  Or as puts it,
"material that forms a mass in the intestine; especially: FIBER"

It's crazy to set out to define "spam" and procede by redefining
words that are already well defined in English.  If you think
"unsolicited bulk email" is a bad definition of "spam," then propose
other English (or Latin, or whatever) words.  Don't embark on an
infinite regression of (re)defining the words that you are (re)defining
that you are (re)defining that ...

Vernon Schryver    vjs(_at_)rhyolite(_dot_)com
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