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Re: [Asrg] 0. General - ASRG Direction - PLEASE READ

2003-09-25 07:32:29
At 7:50 AM -0500 9/25/03, Thomas Juntunen wrote:
list, I also find them a bit intimidating. The people here seem to be in
charge of large networks and handle vast volumes of mail, or in key
positions at companies. Many signatures indicate people who operate their
own firms.

$15 gets you your own domain and a title :-).

actually required for the projects. In short, I have no idea what I could
actually do. I tried writing to two different people directly, but go no

I'm sure Yakov has more specific ideas. But I suspect that what is really needed is simply to have people in charge of updating documents and beating up other people to get their contributions and comments in. Think of it as practice for becoming a post-grad TA.
Kee Hinckley         Next Generation Spam Defense  Writings on Technology and Society

I'm not sure which upsets me more: that people are so unwilling to accept
responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to regulate
everyone else's.

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