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[Asrg] 6. Proposals - Turing Tests - News Article on Exploits (was Re: [Asrg] 3. Requirements - Accessibility - W3C draft published)

2003-11-06 12:57:26
Yakov Shafranovich wrote:
The WAI Protocols and Formats Working Group of the World Wide Consortium (W3C) has published a working draft on Turing tests and accessibility issues. This is in particular very relevant to C/R systems. The current version of the draft is available at:

Comments are welcome and we need to also figure out how this is relevant to our requirements.

Just to add something to this, Matt McCay who is the author of this draft, posted a reference on his weblog about how a spammer was able to get human volunteers to visit a porn site and defeat the CAPTHAS. The weblog comment is here:

and the original article here:

Relevant quote:

But at least one potential spammer managed to crack the CAPTCHA test. Someone designed a software robot that would fill out a registration form and, when confronted with a CAPTCHA test, would post it on a free porn site. Visitors to the porn site would be asked to complete the test before they could view more pornography, and the software robot would use their answer to complete the e-mail registration.

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