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Re: [Asrg] Re: 6. Proposals: LMTP proposals]]

2003-12-01 10:44:23
In the case you cite, the recipients gain two advantages over the current 
situation: they have soemone to hold accountable, and that someone has an 
interest in cooperating.

In an ideal world, yes.  In practice this may be somewhat more difficult
than you expect.  Consider the following: anyone who "allows" his machine
to be compromised in the first place might simply not consider security
to be high priority, and may not respond to a notification that his
system is compromised by closing the security hole.

This is getting somewhat off-topic as far as the LMAP protocol is
concerned, though.

Fridrik Skulason   Frisk Software International   phone: +354-540-7400
Author of F-PROT   E-mail: frisk(_at_)f-prot(_dot_)com       fax:   

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