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RE: [Asrg] RE: 6. Proposals - Pull System (revisited)

2003-12-01 11:18:26

Whether or not pull eliminates spam is besides the point.

Pull eliminates false positives which are a serious problem 
for email
broadcasters. It does not matter how good some spam filter 
might be in
theory, if you are on the sending side you have to deal 
with the rubbish
people use, or more accurately their ISP uses.

I am confused Phill. this sounds like a promotion of pull ?

Your problem appears to be that you confuse an honest assement of the
pros/cons of a protocol with outright opposition.

Pull is a useful concept, but it is only applicable for a small subset of
email messages - regular broadcasts. The problem is that for the protocol to
be pull it must be initiated by the recipient. Otherwise it is simply a
baddly implemented push protocol.

RSS does the task you propose better than a bodged version of SMTP.


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