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Re: [Asrg] 3b. SMTP Session Verification - The Forwarding Problem

2004-02-11 08:15:12
Jon Kyme wrote:

[observations snipped]

There are some concerns with the length limits of certain RFC 2822 
headers such as "Return Path" which might cause problems with sender 

Yes, these concerns are addressed by the use of some max-length "cookie"
rather than an ever-growing (with each forward) verp-like string.

Of course, this loses the sender string's "trace" 
(which is still available in the headers - so no real loss ?) 
but also limits the risk of exploitation via an explicit return-path

It would require the forwarder to maintain some data,
which will have privacy/security implications.

Some kind of envelope modification (i.e. more than just RCPT) is probably
required for happy forwarding in an environment made unfriendly by LMAP.

It's not a big deal really, but it can't be ignored.


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