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RE: [Asrg] 3b. SMTP Verification - Reputation/Accreditation Services - Problem Statement

2004-03-10 08:50:06
I think they are attempting to address the problem of recognizing non-spam
as non-spam.  They don't address any particular sort of spam, they merely
tell us that certain people are accredited as non-spammers according to yhe
service managers definition of non-spammer..

Given that mailboxes that have been used for mailing lists (like ASRG) which
expose addresses in their archives and/or for posting to newsgroups tend for
a long time will tend to receive more spam than non-spam, anthing that helps
make the distinction is potentially useful.

We are going to have to put up with vast quantities of spam for the
forseeable future, especially since US Federal legislation has provided the
spammers with the right to send as much spam as they like provided they
conform to some fairly trivial rules, and also prevented the ordinary
victims of spam from suing spammers who don't follow even those rules, so
accreditation services may be useful.  On the other hand, they may be about
as useful some of the RBLs we currently suffer from (ie no use at all).

It's a pity the US legislature has again, as it so often does, chosen a
model that supports the providers of campaign funds instead of a model that
protects the ordinary Joe. Maybe we can get can-spam canned and siome
sensible legislation in its place (adopting the EU directive might be a good
start) but I doubt it - the "legitimate" advertisers have an axe to grind
and provide too many pennies to the election candidates to be ignored.


-----Original Message-----
From: asrg-admin(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org [mailto:asrg-admin(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org]On 
Behalf Of Yakov
Sent: 10 March 2004 12:54
Subject: [Asrg] 3b. SMTP Verification - Reputation/Accreditation
Services - Problem Statement

After the much heated discussion on the topic, I want to back track and
ask all of you a simple question:

What aspects of the spam problem do these services
(reputation/accreditation) propose to solve? What types of spam messages
specifically do they address?


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