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Re: [Asrg] E-postage

2004-04-25 14:48:46

On April 25, 2004 at 16:31 aland(_at_)ox(_dot_)org (Alan DeKok) wrote:
Barry Shein <bzs(_at_)world(_dot_)std(_dot_)com> wrote:
The other day we were being pelted by a single spam from over 1,500
different IP addresses, presumably all compromised. That's not a
singular incident, in fact the day before a similar incident involving
over 1,000 hosts occurred tho I'll admit numbers like that don't tend
to happen daily, 

  I *dream* of getting spam from only 1K hosts a day.

That's 1,000 different hosts sending ONE SPAM simultaneously, at one
given instant.

Not 1,000 per day.

situation is cost-free or nearly so, so the solution must be cost-free
or nearly so.

  I'd put the objections a different way.  It's difficult to quantify
the recipients cost due to spam.  Sure, you can come up with
reasonable figures for end-users losing productivity due to spam, but
those figures aren't a line item on someones budget.

  In contrast, anti-spam systems *are* line items, especially to the
people who deploy them, and to anti-spam companies.  Any solution,
therefore, which reduces spam, has huge cost to some parties, and
non-accountable savings to others.

  Alan DeKok.

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        -Barry Shein

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