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Re: [Asrg] Please critique my anti-spam system

2005-01-11 10:52:12
On 2005-01-11 15:55:46 -0000, Tim Bedding wrote:
If your system prevents 500 pieces of spam from reaching _you_ at
the cost of one more piece of spam reaching _me_ then I find it
unacceptable.  I don't care what the ratio is; I'm not willing to
get more spam so that you get less.

Are automatic mailing list programs unacceptable to you
as well? With those programs, you send a "help" message
and get back a response.

This is indeed sometimes a problem. Some time ago some worm (I don't
remember which one) caused quite a lot of such messages to be sent to
innocent users. Frankly, I am surprised that this doesn't happen more
often, but I don't see a realistic way of securing mailing-list software
against that kind of abuse.

The problem is not as bad with mailing-lists as it would be with a
widely deployed C/R system because there are several orders of magnitude
less mailing-lists than users. So the few mailing-list managers which do
respond to a spam or worm are usually lost in the noise (OTOH, I get a
lot of out-of-office mails which are obviously responses to some worm).


   _  | Peter J. Holzer    | Je höher der Norden, desto weniger wird
|_|_) | Sysadmin WSR       | überhaupt gesprochen, also auch kein Dialekt.
| |   | hjp(_at_)hjp(_dot_)at         | Hallig Gröde ist fast gänzlich 
__/   | |   -- Hannes Petersen in desd

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