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Re: [Asrg] Spammer case studies?

2006-03-27 10:09:58

On March 26, 2006 at 18:14 steve(_at_)blighty(_dot_)com (Steve Atkins) wrote:

Define "spammer". From the rest of your mail I got
the impression you're talking about people who harvest
addresses and try and sell (possibly fraudulent) products
to those recipients, but it wasn't entirely clear.

You need to be pretty specific when using such loaded
terms if you want useful answers.

I'll take that as a "no, I don't know of any". It's not really
necessary to each weigh in with a negatory.

How about hard info about anyone who has made money on a zombie bot

I realize one might say well they're all from Outer Slobbovia where $1
American can buy you a mansion but again that's just circumstantial
and not "facts".

I know there were some significant busts of such people recently in
that seething pit of third world misery known as Holland, but were
they making much money? I dunno.

I'll look into the Jaynes case John mentioned.

        -Barry Shein

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