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Re: [Asrg] Comments on draft-church-dnsbl-harmful-01.txt

2006-04-03 23:02:58
On 4/3/06, Laird Breyer <laird(_at_)lbreyer(_dot_)com> wrote:
On Apr 03 2006, John Levine wrote:
Not really.  I get spam complaints all the time for mail from lists
that I know perfectly well that they signed up for and confirmed.
"Oh, I don't want that any more."  For the ones that aren't totally
redacted, my setup turns them into unsubs so they don't get any more
mail for that particular list, but I don't think it's fair to count
mail as spam if it depends on reading the recipient's mind in

that's brilliant.  Imagine a shared-training filter (like dspam) that will
respect and follow header-listed unsubscribe instructions instead of
touching the beysian weights when someone marks a well-behaved
list posting as spam.

Hmm.  No, it would be very bad, as if a spam were to appear on a mailing
list everyone who reported it would get unsubscribed.

Maybe the MUA should have a "unsubscribe" button when it recognizes that
I am reading a mailing list message.

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