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Re: [Asrg] "New Email Protocol Replaces SMTP"

2006-04-27 11:24:42
David Nicol wrote:
the problem is, SMTP _HAS_ authentication hooks in it.  The authentication
hook is the fact that there is an opportunity for policy refusal at various
points.  The absence of a universal consensus on...

My SMTP-replacement mantra:

When folks agree on the service (changes) needed, and
When that agreement does not break legitimate uses of email, and
When the community tries to retrofit those changes into the existing email infrastructure, and
When that effort fails,
Only then will an effort to replace SMTP make any sense at all.

To date, we have not even attempted the first 'when', nevermind succeeded at it (and the second 'when').



Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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