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Re: [Asrg] greylisting, was Software bashing

2009-01-24 16:13:29
Yes it is still pretty much effective, but should we wait for it to become less 
effective, or think of a better scheme or simply improve it?

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Levine" <johnl(_at_)taugh(_dot_)com>
To: asrg(_at_)irtf(_dot_)org
Sent: Sunday, 25 January, 2009 5:41:32 AM (GMT+1200) Auto-Detected
Subject: Re: [Asrg] greylisting, was Software bashing

So I think the spammers are now fighting greylisting, and greylisting
is becoming less and less effective.

I looked at my greylist logs for the past month.  It shows 4911
previously unseen IPs that retried, and 51,348 that didn't.  I'd say
that a technique that turns away 91% of the mail it touches is still
pretty effective.

The month before that the numbers were 4707 and 41,487, for about 90%,
so in the short term at least, it's pretty consistent.  I have data
back to May, could crunch it if people wanted.

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