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[ietf-clear] Getting CSV ready for prime time

2004-12-09 17:11:23
On 11/30/2004 10:45 PM, John R Levine sent forth electrons to convey:

I had a most interesting discussion with journalist Brian Livingston this
afternoon in which I explained CSV to him so he can write about it for a
non-technical audience.

One thing that became blindingly clear is...

It seems you did a great job; his article explains CSV rather well.
Does the DT intend to alter the drafts to make them more comprehensible 
to the key audiences (primarily MTA and spam-filter developers, but also 
system administrators and others)?  There's now a bunch of text 
available for adoption to help improve the drafts in this way.  Would 
edits along these lines be welcome, or does the DT plan to push the 
drafts forward as is? I get the feeling that such changes aren't likely. 
What's next?