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Re: [ietf-dkim] linkage between "originator" and "handling agent"

2005-08-17 09:54:58

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Crocker" <dhc(_at_)dcrocker(_dot_)net>

If the latter, then I believe you need to be straight here
on your overall goals.

Once again, you are seeking to take the group discussion to an
ad hominem focus. Please stop attempting to discuss people's
motives or biases.

WHOA! I am not DOING any such thing.  If you read me this way, then you
probably more suspicious of yourself than I am.  I do take offense of you
using me as a poster child for this insulting characterizations.  I have
seen a lot worst flaming of you from others in these DKIM/MASS dicussions. I
don't see you attacking them?

That said, I would wish you would stop this and treat me as a 30 years
engineering/management professional that I am. I have a tremendous amount of
corporate and R&D experience. I would like to help and I certaintly not one
that likes to waste time.  I asked specific questions I felt will help
direct the course of DKIM (in the vain I felt you wanted it) and you
couldn't even answer them which only probably tells me there is more you
wish to tell us, but won't for some odd reason.

Anyway, I had it with the dissing from you.

This has been a waste of my time.

I'm subscribing off this list.  You can also remove Santronics from your
DKIM vendor support list.  It is all too premature for now.

Signing out!

Hector Santos, Santronics Software, Inc.

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