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Re: [ietf-dkim] DKIM SSP: Security vulnerability when SSP record doesnot exist?

2005-08-20 15:38:43
That nicely summarizes the problem I have with the fixation
of *requiring* a tie-in to the origination domain.

I've seen no evidence that such a fixation actually exists on this list so you shouldn't have anything to worry with on this point.

It's not that the tie-in does not provide incremental benefit.
It is that it is incremental, rather than fundamental.

This is precisely the debate - whether the benefit of DKIM SSP is incremental or fundamental. It largely depends on what your view is of the problem DKIM is attempting to address. If your view of the problem is that the world lacks a signature based filter input then DKIM base is fundamental while DKIM SSP is incremental. If your view of the problem is that email is plagued by unauthorized domain use in a RFC2822 identity header then DKIM SSP is fundamental and DKIM base is merely an arbitrarily designed servant of DKIM SSP.

I think that this group isn't going to go any further until it decides what the problem is. I now fully embrace the wisdom of the "threat analysis" doctrine.

Today we have no confirmable domain name identity to assess.
With the DKIM basic mechanism, we do.  That's not a small
improvement in the world.

One side continually makes this point as if the other hadn't already agreed to it a thousand times over. Once more, yes, DKIM base is useful. Yes, DKIM base provides value. Yes, DKIM base is an improvement, etc, etc, so on, and so on, ad nausium! BOTH sides in the SSP debate will take FULL advantage of any "improvement in the world" that DKIM base can provide. It's just that one side isn't content to stop there. One side wants _ALL OF DKIM_ - not merely the mechanistic "how do I make a signature" half of it. One side wants DKIM to play a role not only when a signature is found, but most especially and importantly when one IS NOT found. Clearly, the authors envisioned this as it's fully 1/2 of the DKIM specifications as we have them today. Clearly, the parent technologies from whence DKIM is supposedly the cross-product envisioned it as both have required SSP provisions. Beyond doubt, the draft charter language assumes it.

The "threat analysis" will clear all this up. By defining the problem that DKIM is meant to address we will also be defining the relative import of DKIM's SSP provisions. So, you've seen our answers. What are the answers to Russ' questions from the "signature-only" folks?


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