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Re: [ietf-dkim] [Fwd: I-D ACTION:draft-fenton-dkim-threats-02.txt]

2006-01-06 13:54:50

On Jan 5, 2006, at 10:08 PM, Jim Fenton wrote:

Douglas Otis wrote:

1.1.  Terminology and Model

It would be better to put a place holder for the signer-practices query as well. An alternative to an authorization strategy would be effective against many modes of attack. Once a recognition strategy is considered, this signer-practices mechanism changes substantially.

Do you mean that there should be some informative description of the signer practices query here (as with the other placeholder)?

DKIM could offer greater protection by making it practical for the protection to be generally applied. An authorization scheme as envisioned in SSP limits applicability of DKIM's protection to domains willing to relinquish many services, such as mailing-lists or alternative providers.

As such, and with a general understanding signer-practices are still in transition, excluding conclusions or assurance related to this mechanism could be postponed until further progress in made in that area. Much better protection generally applied is possible. The focus should be on the base DKIM draft for the threat review.

2.1.  Characteristics

This talks about falsifying the "origin address" of messages. Should the base DKIM draft be seen as a means to ensure the identity of the author, which I assume this "origin address" is intended to imply? Any suggestion that a particular header _may_ have the email-address restricted by DKIM invites open-ended authorization mechanisms that have in the past been used to unfairly shift the burden of accountability, and may lead to highly dangerous assurances.

"Origin address" is defined in Appendix A (in fact, it's the only thing defined in Appendix A at this point!). Unlike S/MIME and PGP signatures, DKIM signatures do not assert the identity of the author, so the origin address does not imply that. You're still missing me with terms like "open-ended authorization mechanisms"; since you say they have been unfairly used in the past, can you give an example?

"Origin address - The address on an email message, typically the RFC
 2822 From:  address, which is associated with the alleged author of
 the message and is displayed by the recipient's MUA as the source of
 the message."

This appendix definition is not a valid statement. The author of a message is _not_ the source of the message. The DKIM signature provides an indication of the source of a message. It would be an assumption that some email-address was valid, even when within the same domain as the signature, unless there was some explicit assurance made by the signer with respect to this conclusion. Authorization may be seen as a method to communicate such assurances, but there are better ways that can be more generally applied and offer different gradations of assurances as well.

By "open-ended authorization" this means third-party signatures or no signatures are permitted. Accruing reputation based upon discovery of an authorization, as with Sender-ID which described this as "authentication," would be an example of the unfair use of authorization. The desire to shift accountability onto the email- address domain owner has caused a fair amount of equivocation with respect to what is authentication. As a result, it would be rather foolish to assume that open-ended authorizations are innocuous.

2.3.1.  Externally-located Bad Actors

As the majority of abusive email is being sent through compromised systems, why should DKIM ignore what can be done to identify these sources within the sending administrative Unit? That should be a primary focus.

DKIM could be used within the sending Administrative Unit (AU), but to fully do so would imply signing at the MUA. Within the sending AU, there are easier-to-use mechanisms available to achieve the same thing: for the originator to authenticate themselves to the first-hop MTA, for example. DKIM signatures come from the domain owner; this is most easily (and most securely) administered if signing is done relatively centrally.

As an option, it should be possible to establish a convention noting the account used to access the MSA or which delegated key was used. If you review the DKIM-Options draft, this describes how this information may be carried in both centralized and non-centralized settings. Again, as compromised systems within the originating AU represent where a substantial amount of spam originates, being able to track it systematically by third-parties should permit rapid curtailment.

2.3.3.  Within Recipient's Administrative Unit

Rather than recommending [I-D.kucherawy-sender-auth-header] headers, the MDA could sign and avoid many receiving Administrative-Unit attacks.

It could, but deployment would suffer because the MUA would need to change in order to verify that signature. DKIM can be deployed in that manner, with no change to the specifications, if spoofed Authorization-results headers get to be a problem. Perhaps this should be pointed out in the threat document.

The MUA should only see the MDA signature. The MDA signature would specifically be declared as invalid in other domains to prevent this as a source for a replay attack. If you review the DKIM-Options draft, this is clarified there.

3.1.  Use of Arbitrary Identities

"It also does not guarantee the accountability of the signer, since that is limited by the extent to which domain registration requires accountability for its registrants."

This is a poor use of the word accountability. Accountability implies being held to an expectation. The signer is always accountable for their actions, however their actions may not always be trustworthy.

A valid signature can be used to properly assign accountability, however a valid signature does not imply that the signer can be trusted.

I'll stipulate that accountability may be the wrong word. However, your rewording doesn't pick up the concept that the domain registration may be fraudulent, and in that case I don't think it's properly assigning accountability. I was trying to convey that there is a dependency here that puts an upper bound (a rather low upper bound, at that) on the ability to identify the domain owner of a properly signed message.

Your concerns seem to be based upon assumptions related to assuring the identity of individuals. This is well beyond what is expected of DKIM. S/MIME or OpenPGP attempt to offer assurance of the individual. It would seem greater clarity would be achieved by stating only the _domain_ is being held accountable without this implying there is any DKIM association whatsoever with individuals. The trustworthiness of the domain as an identifier and how it may relate to some individual (good or bad) would require subsequent evaluation independent of DKIM.

3.2.  Use of Specific Identities

This could be further illustrated by "" where people do not understand the significance of "-" from that of the ".". Continue by also reviewing unicode extensions related to RFC2047 and RFC3492, (the Unicode TR 36 reference in the international domain names section seems to imply this does not affect non-internationalized domains). Add further examples where the domain name is in Puny-Code. Considering that in most cases the native character-repertoire would be different from that of the raw Puny-Code, visual examination of the domain name becomes virtually meaningless. Unless DKIM avoids reliance upon visual examination, little is gained. Any DKIM assurances that a signature was verified and was in compliance with some practice will only increases the success of targeted attacks.

Thanks for the suggestions, although I thought that the "" example made it clear that this isn't strictly an IDN problem. Since I'm not familiar with all of these, can you write some text for this?

Sure. : )

3.2.1.  Exploitation of Social Relationships

"DKIM would be effective in mitigating these acts by limiting the scope of origin addresses for which a valid signature can be obtained when sending the messages from other locations."

What mechanism is this describing? After completing section 3.2, 3.2.1 can not make a statement of effectiveness, nor is this a direct function of DKIM.

The concept is that if one of my correspondents with my address in their address book gets compromised by malware, it currently is likely to start sending messages from their system using "fenton(_at_)cisco(_dot_)com" as the From address. DKIM is effective in that it is not possible for them to send such a message with a DKIM signature from the domain owner. If they want to send messages signed by the address of origin, their choice of addresses is much more limited.

Again that is assuming the use of a restrictive authorization mode (which would preclude your participation on this list, for example). This also assumes how SSP works. Could this be postponed until SSP is better developed?

3.2.2.  Identity-Related Fraud

This does not make any clear statement other than to say that the "address of origin" may contribute to fraud. How does this relate to DKIM?

Agreed, this section needs to say something about DKIM effectiveness in this case, like the other 3.x sections do.

Focus upon only holding the signing-domain accountable. There are many threats that need to be handled in this respect. Any statements regarding the protection of email-addresses would be based upon conjecture at this point. DKIM in and of itself offers significant value by providing stable source identifiers. While a highly constraining authorization scheme may attempt to utilize the base DKIM signature, there are other mechanisms that can be more generally applied to increase protections obtained by DKIM without curtailing most of the freedoms users currently enjoy.

3.2.3.  Reputation Attacks

DKIM will not defeat a DSN with an invalid return-path, as the content of the message would be expected to have been changed. One practice similar to or part of the "joe-job" (Spam appearing to be from an innocent third party, and named after a victim is to invoke a bounce where the return-path is also invalid and used to eventually deliver the message. This would work much like not putting a stamp on a letter where the return- address contains the desired recipient. Unless DKIM signatures are checked within the SMTP session, an invalid signature may generate the "desired" bounce. As reputation should be based upon verifiable source identifiers within the message, reputation would not be effective at dealing with invalid addresses when not used by the recipient creating the DSN. Reputation does not deal with message replay abuse either.

I would probably characterize this as a different sort of attack, a "reflection attack", and put it in its own section. Sound OK?

It would seem that a recommendation to check signatures prior to message acceptance, as well as considering some form of return-path tagging would be needed. Calling this a "reflection attack" seems okay.

4.1.  Attacks Against Message Signatures

Why would a Signed message replay have a low impact when the likelihood is high? What identity is being used to accrue reputations? The same issue would be involved with compromised systems within the originators Administrative Unit. The Display name abuse is only indicated as having a Medium impact, but for the majority of recipients, this would represent a significant risk, especially if there was any assurances made.

The definitions of impact and likelihood are given at the beginning of section 4. For signed message replay, impact is low because the replay affects only that message; it does not, for example affect other messages from the domain.

There are no limits for the number of times a message is replicated, so saying "that message" does not provide any perspective of the magnitude. The impact upon the domain's reputation would be high when this attack causes the domain to be blocked. Such a message replay attack could include multiple messages to make individual signature blocking seem fruitless. Reputation on signatures would represent a substantially large database that would require a longer period of time to disseminate. There are techniques that could buy precious time when the message may be a replay. There are also strategies that could consolidate this data down to accounts, rather than individual signatures. Even these accounts could include a "redeemed" code prefix (a table that contains the current try at being good, referenced by the account). How this could work is explained in the DKIM-Option draft.

DKIM does not define a reputation service, so the "what identity" question is moot.

The concern is whether there is a practical solution for this problem. The identity being used to mitigate this problem will significantly impact practicality.

I tagged the impact of display name abuse as medium because it impacts some MUAs more than others; those that hide the email address and only show the display name are more problematic.

This category of MUAs represents the majority being used and are not readily changed. Assuming that MUAs will change opens up a significant number of far superior solutions. Either assume the MUA do not change and the email-address is not seen, or consider what a modification to the MUA could achieve. It should be fair to say that until the MUAs change, DKIM does not greatly mitigate the impact of spoofing. There have been many examples of mind's ability to ignore misplaced characters and such. I would also suggest that even when the email-address is displayed, the rich character-repertoire available to the sender, as well as areas depending upon Puny-Code, visual examination still leaves the recipient highly prone. This exposure also requires legitimate senders to expend a fair amount of resources to obtain look-alike domains, which often involves litigation. This is where DKIM can make a significant difference that would be greatly enhanced by providing information what elements can be used to isolate the source of a message. This too has been clarified in the DKIM-Options draft. Until then, the impact remains high and the likelihood is high.

4.1.9.  Body Length Limit Abuse

"Recipients need to use means to, at a minimum, identify the unsigned content in the message."

What is this assuming?

The problem here might be the assumption that the verifier (typically an MTA) knows what the MUA is and whether it can distinctively display the signed content distinguished from the unsigned content. Another approach is just to truncate the message at the signed content length when it is verified.

This is assuming MUAs change. Truncation should be the rule without exceptions. The sender should obfuscate the prior signature and resign the message with the correct message length. Signature obfuscation reduces the number of sources for a replay attack, especially as this would be commonly done by a list server.

Consider dropping the following sections for now:

4.2.3.  Denial-of-Service Attack Against Signing Policy
4.2.4.  Use of Multiple From Addresses


As you and Stephen have indicated, this would be based upon conjecture. It seems a separate draft that involves the concerns of SSP would be appropriate rather than prematurely assuming the outcome of the SSP effort.

5.  Derived Requirements

This section is incomplete, but was added in response to a specific request. It makes sense to me because we're doing this before the WG takes up the base and SSP drafts. To some extent we get to define what's in the threat analysis document, so if there is consensus (and agreement from the chairs) that we don't need this section, I'll make it go away.


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