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[ietf-dkim] Re: fyi- current open issues

2006-02-09 13:45:51
Douglas Otis wrote:

I also noticed that clicking upon the links that you give
require a sign-in.  Did I miss your explanation on how that

User ietf password ietf used to work for me before they screwed
up their certificates in some non-netscape-SSL3-compatible way
For the root certificate see <>

Also, what is the procedure for making updates?

In theory you can add comments to existing tickets.  But in
practice I'd hate that because my "mozilla 3" cannot access it
anymore since summer 2005.

Besides we wouldn't need a mailing list if we'd start to use
the ticket system for discussions.  Some decent bugzilla or
Wiki without any backward-incompatible OpenSSL-magic would be
much more appropriate.  And what's wrong with a mailing list ?

The issue tracker is mainly a tool for the WG Chairs, let them
do their job, and let all others stick to the list, please.

                          Bye, Frank

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