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Re: [ietf-dkim] Proposal for specifying syntax and semantics for multiple signatures

2006-03-31 12:23:53

On Mar 31, 2006, at 10:31 AM, Dave Crocker wrote:

Barry Leiba wrote:
Well, the issue is that if, say with the above example, signer #3 signs the other three signature headers, and then the next hop re- orders them, the verifier can still figure out which records signed which others.

So what?

There are many "interesting" things that we might build into a protocol.

The question is what compelling need is served by the feature?

The goal is to ensure when there are two signatures added to the message, an attacker does not toss out the stronger signature in order to exploit the weaker signature added within a transition period.

There could be a flag that marks the signature as primary or secondary. Only seeing a secondary signature from the same domain should cause the message to be refused.

The concept of signature roles at the meeting was to do this and also allow the MDA to add a signature to protect results information and ensure this signature was not mistaken as being from a sender. The same flag that marks primary/secondary signatures could also differentiate signatures added by senders or by the MDA.

This approach would be far simpler, as in most cases it would be a static bit of information, such as "w=S" (primary) or "w=s" (secondary) or "w=d" (mda).

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