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Re: [ietf-dkim] draft-ietf-dkim-base-02 typos?

2006-06-01 00:15:16

On May 31, 2006, at 2:22 PM, Douglas Otis wrote:

A few more typos noted at the end.

Errors are highlighted using [[error]] notation. This was based upon the draft located at:

There seems to be a type of corruption introduced and were not noted in Jim's nits.

3.4.6  Example

 Example 3:  When processed using relaxed header canonicalization and
   simple body [[canoniccalization]],

3.5  The DKIM-Signature header field

h=   Signed header fields (plain-text, but see description;
       REQUIRED).  A colon-separated list of header field names that
       identify the header fields presented to the signing algorithm.
The field MUST contain the complete list of header fields in the order presented to the signing algorithm. The field MAY contain names of header fields that do not exist when signed; nonexistent
       header fields do not contribute to the signature computation
(that is, they are treated as the null input, [[includiing]] the

z=   Copied header fields (plain-text, but see description; OPTIONAL,
       default is null).  A vertical-bar-separated list of selected
header field names and copies of header field values that identify the header
       fields present when
the message was signed. It is not required to include all header
       fields present at the time of signing.  This field need not
       contain the same header fields listed in the "h=" tag.  Copied
header field values MUST immediately follow the header field name with a colon separator (no white space permitted). Header field
       values MUST be represented as Quoted-Printable [RFC2045] with
       vertical bars, colons, semicolons, and white space encoded in
       addition to the usual requirements.

       Verifiers MUST NOT use the header field names or copied values
       for checking the signature in any way.  Copied header field
       values are for diagnostic use [[onnly]].

3.6.1  Textual Representation

It is expected that many key servers will choose to present the keys
   in an otherwise unstructured text format (for example, an XML form
   would not be considered to be unstructured text for this purpose).
The following definition [[MMUST]] be used for any DKIM key represented in
   an otherwise unstructured textual form.
       y   This domain is testing DKIM.  Verifiers MUST NOT treat
           messages from signers in testing mode differently from
           unsigned email, even should the signature fail to verify.
Verifiers MAY wish to track testing [[modee]] results to assist
           the signer.

3.7  Computing the Message Hashes

  In hash step 1, the signer or verifier MUST hash the message body,
canonicalized using the body canonicalization algorithm specified in
   the "c=" tag and truncated to the length specified in the "l=" tag.
   That hash value is then converted to base64 form and inserted into
   the "bh=" tag of the [[DKIMM-Signature:]] header field.

 All tags and their values in the DKIM-Signature header field are
   included in the cryptographic hash with the sole exception of the
   value portion of the "b=" (signature) tag, which MUST be treated as
the null string. All tags MUST be included even if they might not be
   understood by the verifier.  The header field MUST be presented to
the hash algorithm after the body of the message rather than with the
   rest of the header fields and MUST be canonicalized as specified in
[[the€]] "c=" (canonicalization) tag. The DKIM-Signature header field
   MUST NOT be included in its own h= tag.

5.1  Determine if the Email Should be Signed and by Whom

   A signer MUST NOT sign an email if it is unwilling to be held
responsible for the message; in particular, the signer SHOULD ensure
   that the submitter has a bona fide relationship with the signer and
that the submitter has [[tthe]] right to use the address being claimed.

5.4  Determine the header fields to Sign

The From header field MUST be signed (that is, included in the h= tag of the resulting DKIM-Signature header field); any header field that describes the role of the signer (for example, the Sender or Resent- From header field if the signature is on behalf of the corresponding
   address and that address is different from the From address) MUST
   also be included.  The signed header fields SHOULD also include the
[[Subjectt]] and Date header fields as well as all MIME header fields.

6.3  Compute the Verification

INFORMATIVE IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: Verifiers that truncate the body
      at the indicated body length might pass on a malformed MIME
      message if the signer used the "N-4" trick described in the
informative note in Section 5.5. Such verifiers may wish to check
      for this case and include a trailing "--CRLF" to avoid breaking
      the MIME structure.  A simple way to achieve this might be to
append "--CRLF" to any "multipart" message with a body length; if
      the MIME structure is already correctly formed, this will appear
      in the postlude and will not be [[displayeed]] to the end user.

6.6  MUA Considerations

This sort of [[addrress]] inconsistency is expected for mailing lists, but
   might be otherwise used to mislead the verifier, for example if a
   message supposedly from administration(_at_)your-bank(_dot_)com had a Sender
   address of fraud(_at_)badguy(_dot_)com(_dot_)

8.2  [[Misappropriateed]] Private Key

8.3  Key Server Denial-of-Service Attacks

Since the key servers are distributed (potentially separate for each
   domain), the number of servers that would need to be attacked to
   defeat this mechanism on an Internet-wide basis is very large.
   Nevertheless, key servers for individual domains could be attacked,
impeding the verification of messages from that domain. This is not
   significantly different from the ability of an attacker to deny
   service to the mail exchangers for a given domain, [[aalthough]] it
   affects outgoing, not incoming, mail.

8.5  Replay Attacks

   In this attack, a spammer sends a message to be spammed to an
   accomplice, which results in the message being signed by the
   originating MTA.  The accomplice resends the message, including the
   original signature, to a large number of recipients, possibly by
   sending the message to many compromised machines that act as MTAs.
The messages, not having been modified by the accomplice, have valid

   Partial solutions to this problem involve the use of reputation
services to convey the fact that the specific email address is being
   used for spam, and that messages from that signer are likely to be
spam. This requires a real-time detection [[mechanissm]] in order to
   react quickly enough.  However, such measures might be prone to
   abuse, if for example an attacker resent a large number of messages
received from a victim in order to make them appear to be a spammer.

B.1  Simple Message Forwarding

In some cases the recipient may request forwarding of email messages from the original address [[tto]] another, through the use of a Unix
   .forward file or equivalent.

B.4  Mailing Lists

   There is a wide range of behavior in forwarders and mailing lists
   (collectively called "forwarders" below), ranging from those which
   make no modification to the message itself (other than to add a
   Received header field and change the envelope information) to those
   which may add header fields, change the Subject header field, add
   content to the body (typically at the end), or reformat the body in
   some manner.

Forwarders which do [[noot]] modify the body or signed header fields of a
   message with a valid signature may re-sign the message as described

Appendix C.  Creating a public key (INFORMATIVE)

 This public-key data (without the BEGIN and END tags) is placed in
the DNS. With the signature, canonical email contents and [[puublic]] key, a verifying system can test the validity of the signature. The
   openssl invocation to verify a signature looks like this:

 t=   Signature Timestamp ([[pplain-text]]; RECOMMENDED, default is an
       unknown creation time).  The time that this signature was  Name Space

All DKIM keys are stored in a subdomain named [[""_domainkey""]]. Given a DKIM-Signature field with a "d=" tag of """" and an "s="
   tag of [[""sample""]], the DNS query will be for

6.3  Compute the Verification
   3.  Using the signature conveyed in the "b=" tag, verify the
signature against the header hash using the mechanism appropriate
       for the public key algorithm described in the "a=" tag.  If the
       signature does not [[validatee]], the verifier SHOULD ignore the
       signature and return with DKIM_STAT_INVALIDSIG.

6.5  Interpret Results/Apply Local Policy
   [[Oncee]] the signature has been verified, that information MUST be
   conveyed to higher level systems (such as explicit allow/white lists
   and reputation systems) and/or to the end user.  If the message is
   signed on behalf of any address other than that in the From:  header
   field, the mail system SHOULD take pains to ensure that the actual
   signing identity is clear to the reader.

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

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