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Re: [ietf-dkim] ISSUE: dkim-overview -- normative statements

2007-07-15 01:02:11

I agree with Mike Thomas.

As a general rule I believe you are better off with fewer documents with normative text than more. There is a lot of text around mailing lists that comes dangerously close to text in the SSP draft (see -overview Section 2.5, and -ssp, Section 5.1). The last thing we want are two documents that mandate behavior in the same components in what could end up being subtly different ways.

It may be useful to have a BCP or an overview, but the scope of that document must be made clear, and should not overlap with standards specifications. The use of normative language in the draft today is IMHO inappropriate even for a BCP, and in some cases is overly broad. Here are two examples:

   * In section 2.1 you talk about memory models and keeping private
     keys private.  I think that states the obvious, while at the same
     time going way down the implementation path.  If you're going to
     state the obvious, do so once and not at only some of numerous
     opportunities for a key to be exposed.  Furthermore, this text
     goes into implementation design.  That's not BCP territory, IMHO.
   * In Section 2.2 you talk about requiring secure zone updates
     without really defining what you mean.  Are you, for instance,
     talking about DNS registrars needing to use SSL?  Is a login
     password good enough or is that not strong enough?  Is DDNS useful
     in this context?  If so, how?  If not why not?  (I'd argue the
     latter, but there's no argument in there at all right now.)

Given these issues, how would you want to proceed?

Finally, because it's clear that a fair amount more work is needed on this document, and as SSP is progressing, I think it would be prudent to be mindful of SSP, and to reconsider gating this document to SSP, assuming we keep moving forward on the latter.


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