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[ietf-dkim] NEW ISSUE: Discussion of query traffic overhead

2007-12-09 10:10:54

3.  Scope and scale of query traffic

SSP originally was constrained to apply only to unsigned mail.  The current
specification applies to unsigned messages *and* signed messages where the
DKIM i= domain name does not match the rfc2822.From <addr-spec> domain.  This
is a considerable change in the nature -- and potentially a considerable
change in the amount of query traffic -- that SSP causes.

The draft does note that initial receive-side adopters of SSP will find no SSP
DNS record.  However the draft does not address the adoption and use impact of
being expected to make a query that will almost always fail for a significant
number of years into the future.

To the extent the above is not sufficiently clear:

The SSP document should contain text that discusses the overhead of different modes of SSP use, specifically distinguishing between for unsigned messages and use with signed messages. At the least, this issue needs serious working group discussion, as well as review among DNS experts.



  Dave Crocker
  Brandenburg InternetWorking
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