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Re: [ietf-dkim] (offtopicish) RFC 4871 Word Cloud

2009-04-19 03:56:15

On Apr 18, 2009, at 2:46 PM, Steve Atkins wrote:

On Apr 18, 2009, at 2:29 PM, Hector Santos wrote:

What bothers me though is that much of whats going on is being done  
by 14-18 years old who IMO lack experience in social engineering  
and ethical design considerations.  To them the idea of COOKIES and  
JAVASCRIPT being disabled is unthinkable.

The lesson here is that irrational paranoia can damage useful http  

After untold users had systems compromised by zero-day browser script  
exploits, and a vendor recently taking weeks to issue repairs for  
several versions of their OS, why would anyone describe browser  
related security concerns irrational?  Once compromised, systems  
appear to typically remain so, based on observed email behaviors.

The adopted an Authentication-Results header, while okay for DKIM,  
intentionally excludes a means to inhibit annotations based upon CGNs  
authorizations, for example.  Security should not become secondary to  
unsupported statements or unsupportable schemes aimed at retaining an  
allusion of security.  In the face of polymorphic threats, greater  
reliance on source authentications is required, where possibly  
vulnerable browsers are often used to read email.


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