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Re: [ietf-dkim] Data integrity claims

2010-10-18 15:28:12
FWIW, the telnet mail interface typo fix should be:



Hector Santos wrote:

I'm a MUA author of BOTH types and people forget that there are TWO 
kinds here.  We have:

    Console based Mail Reader/Writers Online Interface (Dialup/Telnet)


    A Frontend Native GUI ONLINE Interface

    A Frontend Web-based ONLINE Interface
  (you have to log in)

    Two QWK, RFC 822/2822/5322 Offline Mail Reader/Writers:

    Two Administrator Report Reader/Writer Online Interfaces

    A Outlook Exchange Component

And very important

     NNTP (News) and POP3 (Email) Mail Servers to support ALL RFC
     based Store and forward offline mail reader/writers.

All MUAs, including are feed by the backend.  It is the BACKEND that 
feeds the children what it will eat (see).   We can ALTER and DO 
whatever we please to give whatever the ILLUSION we want the MUA to see.

This issue is a BACKEND issue whether we want to deal with it at a:

    MSA    Authenticated Submission (For Local or Remote User/Relay)
    MDA    Non-Authenticated Submission to LOCAL USER ONLY

or at some DKIM integrated component.

To assume that this is should be PUSHED first to MUAs is BAD 
engineering and NAIVE.

But that doesn't mean they don't have to look for it just in case an 
3rd party interface software (like an RFC-based mail/writer) whats to 
make sure that all backends are correct.

So as I said in an earlier post, technically, all parts need to deal 
with this but more so the DKIM API because this is part of their 
"Reason For Living" in the first place - mail integrity.

Its like a Neighborhood Watch Program vs Real Cops.  Everyone will 
need to deal with it.  But the BACKEND is the #1 place to deal with 
this especially for systems that only have Online Interface devices 
and/or Legacy Online or Offline mail readers who require (and don't 
even think about it) that the backend "mommy" give them clean food to 
eat - not poison, dirty food.

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