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Re: [ietf-dkim] Security Area Directors

2011-03-22 20:07:26
On 3/19/11 5:17 AM, Barry Leiba wrote:
With Stephen's becoming an Area Director (replacing Tim Polk), Stephen
and Sean have reshuffled the working group responsibilities, thus:

Sean: dkim, emu, isms, msec, pkix, tls, ltans, ipsecme
Stephen: abfab, dane, hokey, kitten, krb, nea

As you see, Sean has kept DKIM.  Stephen will be up there with me on
the Monday in Prague, for his last meeting as working group chair; I
thank him for the work over the years.  For the time being, I'll be
the sole chair for DKIM, until we finish up the work on the Prague
agenda and see where the group will go from there.

Good luck with DKIM.  It seems many now anticipate DKIM becoming a 
standard.  IMHO, cryptographic protections promised by DKIM is more 
important.  Unfortunately, it seems focus on process overrode necessary 
changes of Should to Must necessary to retain original goals of 
affording protection without altering MUAs.


Good luck dealing with dane.  Lets also hope similar reasoning don't 
prevail with abfab. :^)

Both of you have been excellent as chairs.


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