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Re: Draft minutes for MASS BoF

2004-09-23 08:11:23

At 01:22 AM 9/23/2004 -0500, wayne wrote:

Jim Fenton <fenton(_at_)cisco(_dot_)com> writes:

7. Conclusion

Word-smithing the charter will be done on the mailing list, which is
ietf-mailsig(_at_)imc(_dot_)org (see

Consensus via hum that effort in this area should go forward.

Has this WG been approved?  I've been only checking in once and a
while since the BoF, but there seems to be a large increase in the
volume in the last couple of weeks since I last checked.

Not yet; there is still the issue of the proposed WG charter to work out.  
Planning is proceeding for a second BoF at the November IETF.

I also noticed that this mailing list isn't listed on

Thanks for noticing; I'll mention that to Paul Hoffman.


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