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RE: Web pages for MASS effort

2005-01-10 12:29:44

From: Douglas Otis [mailto:dotis(_at_)mail-abuse(_dot_)org] 

Phillip, you are highly passionate about your opinions.  
Everyone at the Face to Face conducted themselves cordially 
with the exception of yourself. 

Your behaviour was disgraceful, you interrupted everyone repeatedly with
irrelevant issues, you barracked and heckled.

If you think that your behavior was cordial or professional you are entirely

I did shout at Dave Crocker, but only once, when he said that nobody present
understood accreditation, I regard that claim to be a direct attack on my
personal professional expertise. I have helped to build a very successful
company that does over a billion dollars of revenue a year based on an
undestanding of accreditation. Moreover Dave has apparently reversed his
opinion since as he is now proposing an accreditation scheme.

You remarked at one point your 
dismay that the group was not considering Digital 
Certificates.  I admit such an effort would have created less risk.  

That is not true, I realized that the digital certificates were unnecessary
over a year before MARID was formed. If you think that is what I have been
pushing you are mistaken. Given that we represent competitors in this space
you might want to be less anxious to advertise this.

I raised a few questions about terms being used. These were 
serious and earnest questions, as I wanted to understand what 
was being said with the terminology surrounding the topic.

Which you repeated at intervals of about 15 seconds while I was making a
presentation on an entirely unrelated topic.

You then proceeded to bombard the MARID list with a series of similar
circular discursions and will I suspect attempt to filibuster MASS into the
ground as well.

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