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Re: Most recent sender.

2005-01-14 12:48:57

Can anyone see a better way of reliably determining which is the 'most
recent sender'? One option would be for the signing party to _remove_
the Sender: header if signing a Resent-Sender: address. I'm not sure I
like that much though. Better options?

Well, the signature can say which address it signed.

On the theory of not trying too hard, I think a signature system
should have a really simple algorithm to verify the signature, one
that doesn't go anywhere near heuristics about guessing which header
means what or was applied by whom when.  If a message is too mutated
to pass, then it doesn't pass, and we tell whoever's running the
mutator to sign if they want to play.

There are a lot of forwarders that forward without mutating at all,
the and and .forward style ones that are typically
set up at the request of the recipient and forward to a single place.
It's also common for mail to hop from host to host within a mail
system, again without any mutation.  Those are the only ones that I
think are worth trying to survive.

I agree that if our goal were purely to do per-hop validation,
something like starttls would suffice, but I also think there is
a useful middle ground between per-hop and the end-to-end goal
that s/mime and gpg have.

John Levine, johnl(_at_)taugh(_dot_)com, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY

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